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  • Aron Kodesh: Day School

    This very popular model is perfect for day school or similar use. Can be done is a size to suit your needs. Available in cherry stained birch (shown) and oak. Other wood types available upon request.

  • Aron Kodesh: DC-JPD

    This cherry-stained aron kodesh is built upon a storage base which is equipped with casters. The aron shown is in use in the Jewish Primary Day School in D.C. Please call for current pricing.

  • Aron Kodesh: MJHCC

    This solid oak Aron Kodesh with hand-carved details was commissioned by the Milwaukee Jewish Home & Care Center for use in a temporary chapel while their facility underwent remodeling. Call for pricing.

  • Aron Kodesh: P03

    This solid oak aron kodesh features a separate base for easy transport in a car or van. Doors can be ordered square-topped or rounded. Please call for current pricing.